Rachel Dixon

always: writer, poet, gym rat, askew, tattooed, up too late and too early, a wolfusually: solo, cat-like, dog person, health goth, working on a "book"occasionally: singer, songwriter, actress, oenophile, critic, game maker, design systems advocate, joy scholar, digital humanistday job: tech, ux, product management/leadership (for good, I promise)working on: making music and sometimes recording it, creating a game studio/collective maybe, a collection of poesie, my abs, my voice, trying to become trilingual, making space for others, secrets, learning unity, party and puzzle archives, a critical tarot capstone project, figuring out "what's next" 🤷🏽formerly: dancer, bostonian, marathon runner, opera singer, aaa game designer, hot guestlist girl at the clerb, shop manager, art model, bicoastal, hottie, music blogger, grad student, greedily ambitious, underfed in many ways, punk, rave, "conservative," teenage riot grrrl zine makernever: straight, acquiescent to authority (ask my parents [sorry mom]), staid, not sleepy, radical, sure, not going to take it personally, unscented, not thinking, working alone even when working alone, gonna give you up or give up on the dream my friends
- tarot fabula, 2024 | capstone project re: breaking tarot familiarity & making new futures with the past
- blue laws and outlaws, 2021 | collection: "new england rave flyers"
- reading rebus, 2021 | essay: "why rebus?"
- digital memory project reviews, spring 2021 | review: "queers in love at the end of the world"
- digital memory project reviews, spring 2021 | review: "peñagrande: la maternidad de los horrores que sobrevivió a franco"
- digital memory project reviews, spring 2021 | review: "playing history 2: slave trade"
- main street rag, winter 2021 | poems: "n+1"; "letter from the anthropocene"
- dh7000, fall 2020 | text analysis & blog | "a terrifying tale of two vampire text analyses"
- dh70000, fall 2020 | map & blog | "mapping the real housewives of new york vacation locations"
- the moth, summer 2020 | poem: "aubade"
- medium, 2018 | transitioning from marketing management to product management
- just bloggin, 2016 | a reader's guide to luke cage on netflix
- east coast literary review 2015 | poem: "love song"
- dubspot, summer 2013 | article: "delia derbyshire, 1960s electronic music pioneer and sound designer"
- polygon, 2012 | video interview abt games data, gangnam style & dancing, "making gangnam"
- scythe literary journal #4, winter 2010 | poems: "dinner with the vespers," "transubstantiation"
- gargoyle #54, 2009 | short story: "sun and sea and silver"
rachel dixon finds it difficult to be every woman but is somehow a writer, poet, digital humanist (ama), product manager (don't?), independent advisor, data analyst, art game maker, film enabler, folklorist, singing musician, friend, and probably more things not considered for most personal brand lps